A lot has happened since then, we now have the commercial version where you can search for all kinds of properties and not just residential and condos, we also have a website for Realtors and we have more features.
To see everything we have now please go to our homepage www.ximausa.com and click on “Training” or click HERE, you will see we have a video for everything we offer.
With your registration we will also offer you for FREE a two hour one-on-one training.
If you would like to sign up again I will offer you a special discount price.
The standard price for all available counties (we have 24 so far, more coming up soon) is $149 per month.
The standard price for one county is $80 per month.
The price for you:
Only $99 for all available counties and $60 for one.
To register and obtain your discount price go to our homepage click on Register Now and enter code 1615 or click HERE to register.